Review Of Opening Remarks

If you are an experienced user of online dating sites then you probably know that there are dozens of different platforms out there nowadays. However, not all of the platforms are really helpful in the question of relationships, especially for people over 40+ years old. However, we hasten to assure you that datemyage site is not just another scam site that looks for more money. This dating platform is a great service that puts the company’s reputation and customers’ satisfaction first. What is more important is that people here are not only members of the dating app, but they’re a whole community with their own state of mind. And during our review, we will discuss everything that you will need to create your own attitude towards the datemyage dating platform and receive maximum effort from this dating site.

DateMyAge main page

History of DateMyAge

Datemyage dating website is a pioneer in the market of online dating sites. It has been on the internet for a while, and during that time it gained an extreme amount of popularity. The active community of the dating site datemyage is around 600 thousand users, who use the app on a daily basis. During that time datemyage service helped dozens of thousands of people to find their couples, and what is more important is that it continues to unite hearts now. However, we will not only talk about the history of datemyage app, but we’ll also discuss some pros and cons of the platform usage. 

Pros and Cons

We all know that in real life nothing is perfect, and the same can tell about online dating sites. When we created this review we wanted to make it as honest as possible, and that’s why we decided to create a separate section where we will discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of the datemyage dating site. For your convenience, we’ve collected all pros and cons in the table below. 

Pros of DateMyAge.comCons of
An opportunity to use DateMyAge for free since the platform has a free membership. Even the complaint process can not save you from people who are looking for erotic adventures and not serious relationships.
A fast and convenient registration that requires just your e-mail address and five minutes of your time, after which your datemyage account will be ready. We have met other negative reviews that state that it’s hard to use the application without buying the paid membership.
A huge amount of community members of your age are looking for the same goals as you. The monthly fee for the premium membership on the website is more expensive than on other dating websites. 
Convenient search filters will help you to speed up the process of matching with the right person. Also, it helps you to match with people from the same time zone.A lot of men from Arabic country contacted obsessively in private messages are quite a common occurrence, and unfortunately, the complaint process will not help you in this matter. 
You will never find a complaint form that will state that other users have met fake members, because of the careful control of this issue. 
Live chat support is where you can contact the datemyage support team via special chat windows, which will be happy to answer all your questions and solve all your issues round the clock. What is more important is that you will not have to wait a few hours to get a response in chat messages.
DateMyAge features

Main Features

We understand that some of you who read this article may have never used this website before, and that’s why we decided to collect the main features of It’s worth mentioning that this site has a lot of features that are not available on other dating sites. We hope that with our review, you will be able to receive maximum from the platform usage, and that will lead to major improvements in your personal life. 

Sign-Up Process

The sign-up process is one of the main features that distinguish serious dating apps from other sites. And the reason for that is that is a unique dating site that values your time and money. That’s why you can rest assured that the sign-up process on this platform will not take more than 5 minutes of your free time. After a quick registration, you will already have a detailed profile and what is more important you will be able to send your first message right away. 

Are There Fake Accounts?

Another great feature of this dating site is that the amount of fake profiles on the website is pretty low. Of course, like any other dating site DateMyAge may contain some percentage of fake and bot profiles. However, it’s worth mentioning that successfully deals with these types of profiles, so your chances to meet a person that will be a fake account are pretty low. Nevertheless, you should always be on the lookout, since still some people may want to find not love but profit on sites of this kind.

DateMyAge users

Mobile App

Mobile application is another great feature of the DateMyAge website. While a lot of other sites can not afford to hire a team of professional developers to create a great application, DateMyAge has already done that. That’s why you will not only enjoy this great platform from your personal computer, but you will also be able to experience this application on your smartphone since the application is available on both platforms IOS and Android. So download the app faster and see for yourself.

Special Features

You might get the impression that the application has the same features as other dating apps. But this impression is completely wrong since it has a bunch of unique and special features that you will never meet on any other dating site. Of course, we are talking about video chats that will help you to communicate with other members as if you were in the same room and not in different countries. You will also be able to flirt with your crushes via email and of course, DateMyAge gives you an opportunity to send presents and offline messages.

Partner Search provides a wide variety of partners searching for all app users. Nevertheless, if you’re a freshman on such a platform it may be really challenging to start your journey successfully. For people of 40-45+ years, it may be hard to learn new search tools and use new kinds of dating platforms. However, with DateMyAge it will be so much easier for you to search for other users and find new interesting people. That’s why in this section, we decided to collect the main search tools that will greatly simplify the partner search process for your mature dating. 

DateMyAge search

How Does DateMyAge Work?

All this site offers will be the services of the highest quality, and be sure that you will have an opportunity to see it for yourself. Nevertheless, even when you will be dealing with platforms of the best quality, you will have to understand the essence of the proposed tools, no matter if it’s tools for free members or paid members. Regarding the question of the DateMyAge working principle, it’s worth mentioning that the platform is user-friendly and convenient, you will never face any difficulties while using this app since it was developed in such a way that a person, despite their age, will be able to a suitable person for mature dating. In any case, let’s start by taking a closer look at the main search tools that will help you to find the same person as you. 

Searching Options and Filters

Such things as searching options and filters are crucial components of any dating app. That’s why before writing our article we carefully checked all the search options available on the platform at the current moment. Datemyage dating app offers you to look for partners via different tools. Of course, it has standard tools like the usual search where with help of age range, country, city, and other filters you will be able to find yourself a suitable match. But that’s not all, since you will be able to meet with other members via the recommendations that Datemyage dating app will offer to you, so we hasten to assure you that there will be more than enough options that will help you to find yourself a suitable spouse. 

Communication Methods

Datemyage is a kind of dating app that offers a wide variety of different communication methods, such as online chat, communicating via email addresses, or video chats. It’s worth mentioning that chat requests are probably the most popular method of communication on this dating app. But, other communication methods are also really interesting, especially to diversify your communication with people from the platform. So, you can rest totally assured that you will not have to spend more money on some special communication method, since there are more than enough methods available in your free account.

DateMyAge success stories

Sites Like DateMyAge

As you already understand by our table of contents, in this section, we’ll discuss the main sites where you will also receive the opportunity to create a free account and search for relationships if you’re looking for love. That’s why we decided to collect five competitors of datemyage, that might become a good alternative for the discussed service. In the list below you will find these sites and a short description for each of them. 

Free vs Paid Features

Like any modern dating app has a wide variety of free and paid features. For some users, it may be enough to use the app only with free features, while other customers prefer to feel the full potential of the service with the help of paid features. That’s why in this section, we decided to collect the main paid and free features available at the current moment on the platform, so it will be much easier for you when you will start using the application.

DateMyAge shows

Free Membership Features

We’d like to start our discussion with the free membership features. This section might be really interesting for people who don’t want to pay additional funds and just want to enjoy the free version of the platform. We assure you that it’s absolutely possible.

Premium Features

As you already understand, provides an opportunity for its customers to use the app absolutely free. Meanwhile, you will also receive a few paid features that might greatly improve your experience on this dating app. So, let’s take a closer look at each one of them. 

DateMyAge prices

How Expensive is DateMyAge? is a kind of application that offers democratic rates for paid subscriptions. However, there is no subscription system as such on this site. Instead, you will have to buy special currency called credits, which will help you to buy everything that you need. For example, 150 credits will cost you $19.99, 600 credits will be available for you for $149.99, and 1500 will cost you $299.99.

Is DateMyAge Really Safe? is a reliable platform that pays special attention to the safety of users. That’s why during your journey, there will be nothing for you to worry about since this dating app is totally safe. 

Technical Side

The technical part includes all the policies that are posted on the site and that are available to you on the platform site. There you will be able to learn more about cookies, read the usage policy and learn about the protection methods used to protect the personal data of the client.

DateMyAge FAQ

Customer Support

If you already had some unpleasant experiences with some scam site administration we hasten to assure you that you will never meet anything like this on The fact is that the customer support team of this app consists of highly qualified professionals, who love their service and respect their customers. What is more important is that the support team does everything to make your usage of the app safe and pleasant, so you will never meet any fake accounts like some purportedly Thailand guy or a chef of a big company.


To sum up all of the things mentioned regarding, we can definitely say that this site is one of the best apps for senior people who want to find serious relationships. If you’re 40+ years then this application will become a perfect tool that will help you to create a relationship without paying too much money for the service. We hope that this information was useful for you and that you will be able to check all of the mentioned information for yourself.

If you want to find more information we suggest you check this YouTube video:


How to pass DateMyAge photo verification?

The verification process is pretty simple, and will not take a lot of time. You will have to download your photo and prove that it’s you with the help of some document, like a driver’s license or ID.

How to cancel a DateMyAge account?

You will be able to easily cancel your account from your settings in your personal account. The whole process will take up no longer than 5 minutes of your time.

Is legitimate?

It’s absolutely legitimate, and you can check all of the necessary documents on the website since they are all available for free access.

How To BlackList Someone on DateMyAge?

You will be able to blacklist any person, with whom you do not want to continue your conversation. You can manage the blacklist from your personal settings in your account.

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